Seeing life in terms of mathematical equations
Sometimes it is easy to become trapped by our own convictions of how life is, how others see it, what fits and what doesnt fit. As if we are dealing with the pages of our school books of the past, reading through the mathematical books where we had to find only one answer, the right numbers, the correct set-up to arrive at the one and only answer the textbook urged you to pursue. People are not numbers, situations are not statistics that never change, in life there are always plenty variables. Millions of unseen and unexpected results.
Thinking we can only fit into a certain group if we act and behave in specific ways, just like the school books with definitive answers told us. If we stray somewhat from the constructed formula, we cannot fit into the equation, we are to be self-erased until finding and expressing ourselves in a manner that is congruent with the situation at hand.
The logistics, science and math we must learn, subconsciously takling it to heart, that two people of varying personality, are, occupation and expression, will undoubtedly lead to a clashing of elements that cannot be harmonized. We can begin to think in such ways ourselves, sometimes leading to painful thoughts of our place in this world, looking at ourselves and others, and believing that there is no redeeming factor that can unite the two or three because of big or small differences. We are all different, unique and one of a kind, to varying degrees, when we believe the differences to be too great, we can miss out on a lot of opportunities to expand and see life from a different lense. When we avoid certain situations, places, people and experinces, just because we believe it to be something that cannot possibly unified or co-exist without problematic and worrying results. A fault in the highly praised system if there is a slight deviation of what we have come to expext. That certain people should by default gravitate towards a limited range of places and people, and if pulled in an unexpected direction, we can tend to readily point fingers and try to place him/her where we believe he/she belongs and should be, based on the subtle and overt teachings of our past.
Thinking that only the chinese can live in a house inspired by chinese architecture, that only those with 3 masters degrees can be smart, if not, believing there must be some kind of a glitch in the supposed perfect computer system that deals in absolutes, and always ready to generate a correct answer when we need it to. A fictional computer that has foreseen all the possible outcomes, variations to whatever we may type. And if there is a suggestion of multitude of ways, we bang the computer on the table saying there can only be one, that a virus has infested the harddrive and thus it is not processing properly. When thinking and acting in such ways, we become much like robots and comouters ourself, maybe one can be an openminded individual instead.
Shutting doors, not going out, because we believe the DNA of our souls to be immediately shunned or cast away within certain spheres and bubbles of energy, thus not even bothering to visit or check it out. Well, there is always that unknown element of which we cannot predict, and knowing that there will always be an element of surprise present, we can rule out the ideal that things must fit like tetris blocks to be seen as a viable option. That person x can only hang around y, i or f individuals, that the number 2 is always best friends with 4, that Johnny must slice the pie in 8 pieces for his 4 guests to be satisfied. Maybe one of the guests wasnt hungry, or perhaps allergic to pepperoni.