The pointlessness of self-defilement
there can come a point in our life where we say enough is enough with constant self-criticism and judgement of the inherent beauty that has always been there, but has been subjected to enormous amounts of beatings and belittling.
The cause of self-defilement can be many, but when looking at oneself from a clear point of view, one begins to realize the futility of such harmful indulgence. One only needs to look at countries where every act, every spoken word, all expressions, are shunned, banished, defiled, scrutinized and damned. It quickly becomes like a wild-fire, where the people are so dissatisfied with themselves, that they literally begin to lash out, often in the shape of a whip, unto others. Even going as far as throwing others in jail, for such simple things such as loving another human being. The defilement of others, taking on such an extreme form of expression that there is nothing left but anger, violence, injustice, corruption and fear, due to the constant judgement of the self and others.
We can trace the harm far back, and see how those who are the victims of constant criticism, starts to turn the mourning eye outwards when they have had enough of looking inwards, and spiral into a damaging circle where the criticism that was once directed towards themselves, now must find and outlet and thus new victims are born.
Nothing of any real good is found when a person is feeling so low. so used to having a dislike for themselves, so accustomed to only singing harmful hymns. The consequences can manifest itself in a variety of ways, and cause damage in unseen places and situations.
Since the ego and inside of the person is so frail. so unstable, without a solid core that they can lean on, all actions and reactions further induces an inwards beating so severe, that they can become totally crippled and left to wither without any lust for life.
Keeping appearances together can be tough, when there is a constant battle within, telling the individual he/she is never good enough, and that there is always something that can be different, better, more refined or elevated.
In countries and communities where such thinking is the norm, we often see unpredictable acts of violence and crimes of various sorts, because there is always something wrong that needs to be rectified, either within themselves, or in others. No natural expression of genuine flow allowed, and hysteria and massive levels of paranoia ensues due to the impossible expectations of a rigid false perfection they have set for themselves.
It is different thing when we try to do good and offer of ourselves what we can to indulge in a joyous dance of life. When our self-perception always relies on how we are percieved, how we perform, how we look, what we do and do not do, it is bound to waver. Nothing in life is static, and we are all bound to experience the changes of flow and destiny around us, but when every wave we ride causes our inner core to be unbalanced, shifted and cast into all kinds of directions, perhaps it is a sign that our sense of self needs to find other ways to be defined. When we define sense of self-worth based on how are percieved, and where we find ourself in life, and what we have and dont have, a true inner trust is lacking. An inner trust in the self, that we are of equal value, that we are just as good and perfect, even though we feel things should be different. That we do not need to base the image we have of ourselves, on monetary situations, how much we have, what we have accumulated, what we deem as great accomplishments, but instead trying to be fine and okay with what we see in the mirror, and what we feel of ourselves, despite society telling us otherwise.
To build a strong sense of self, that is always there, not in constant competition with others, that cannot be easily swayed and turn into a sad reflection of the minds eye.
To know that one is good enough, perfect enough, always has been and always will be, no matter how life might look. how others might percieve you, no matter in what walk of life you currently find yourself. To ride the wave of life, without letting it drown you.
to let go of the perfectionist that never sees anything as good enough, always something to be rectified, and replace it with fearless contentment. even though one has grown accustomed to the opposite.
The perfectionist will never be satisfied, constantly hungry, never full, always looking, never finding.
like insane religious sects and cults of smaller and larger proportions, that is so hell bent on casting scorn and violent screams on anything and everything they find it hard to accept, causing intense paranoia and feverish hatred that causes them to be alienated from life, and from themselves, feeling nothing but hollow hatred when knowing that everything that they want, they have denied, everything about themselves and others they wish to feel, they have erased. thus left with nothing but empty sensations, and being totally removed and far away from anything that resembles life. Only being left with death, due to encouraging the death of what is in truth beautiful. A manic zealot of insane proportions that would rather go starving for water in a dessert, because it does not come from the only spring he/she deems good enough. Like a traveller freezing to death in the arctic, due to refusing to wear any clothing that provides warmth, because it is not fashionable enough.
Like a lifeless participant in life, never going out, due to nobody meeting his/hers impossible criteria, thus left to their own devices in a cold and desolate area where everything is blocked from entering.
Nothing being good enough, not within oneself, not in others, because the person has been taught to be critical through constant indoctrination, and the spring of life quickly vanishing, due to a weird illusion that the water is not pure enough.
never expressing oneself without fearful constraint that taints the expression that just wants to be set free, the soul. Not allowing others to fly, because the wings are not of a specific pattern or color.
One quickly begins to see the lame stupidity of self-defilement when one thinks about it.
to let go of the perfectionist that never sees anything as good enough, always something to be rectified, and replace it with fearless contentment. even though one has grown accustomed to the opposite.
The perfectionist will never be satisfied, constantly hungry, never full, always looking, never finding.
like insane religious sects and cults of smaller and larger proportions, that is so hell bent on casting scorn and violent screams on anything and everything they find it hard to accept, causing intense paranoia and feverish hatred that causes them to be alienated from life, and from themselves, feeling nothing but hollow hatred when knowing that everything that they want, they have denied, everything about themselves and others they wish to feel, they have erased. thus left with nothing but empty sensations, and being totally removed and far away from anything that resembles life. Only being left with death, due to encouraging the death of what is in truth beautiful. A manic zealot of insane proportions that would rather go starving for water in a dessert, because it does not come from the only spring he/she deems good enough. Like a traveller freezing to death in the arctic, due to refusing to wear any clothing that provides warmth, because it is not fashionable enough.
Like a lifeless participant in life, never going out, due to nobody meeting his/hers impossible criteria, thus left to their own devices in a cold and desolate area where everything is blocked from entering.
Nothing being good enough, not within oneself, not in others, because the person has been taught to be critical through constant indoctrination, and the spring of life quickly vanishing, due to a weird illusion that the water is not pure enough.
never expressing oneself without fearful constraint that taints the expression that just wants to be set free, the soul. Not allowing others to fly, because the wings are not of a specific pattern or color.
One quickly begins to see the lame stupidity of self-defilement when one thinks about it.
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