There is a tendency to believe that anything that does not benefit us directly, is wrong
This can be seen throughout the span of history, it even goes to such lengths that people believe anything of which they do not simply like or agree with must be somehow evil. With an overarching emphasis on ones personal emotions and reactions and what it can offer us.
Some Americans did not like communism, so they want to war in Vietnman and slaughtered thousands simply because they do not agree with it. Some people feel a hint of uncomfortable sensations arise when being around gay people, so they convince themselves those people must be evil simply because it does not jive with them. This slight unease causes some to violently attack, harass and discriminate.
These are some of the bigger examples, but it extends beyond. Some might think that an employer has made the wrong decision by default if they are not the ones promoted, because it does not exalt them in any way. Some might think that a woman is selfish if she goes through with a divorce, because it felt wrong to her partner, and therefore the moral conviction that she has caused ill is enforced.
Som might think that a culture is backwards and lazy, if it does not operate under the same terms as theirs. Because anything that differs from what they themselves enjoy and thrive being a part of, must be described in deragatory terms.
The false notion that anything which feels wrong to oneself, must belong to a vicious and corrupt adversary with cruel thoughts and intensions. The truth can never be so black and white, and those who easily labels and discriminates any factor or game they do not wish to play, fails to see more perspectives than just one. The one stemming from themselves.
Even going so far as saying that any opinion or sentiment which does not come into allignment with mine, is predetermined to be wrong. Neglecting any room for a middel ground, and being caught up in ones own rigid beliefs.
Even going so far as saying that any opinion or sentiment which does not come into allignment with mine, is predetermined to be wrong. Neglecting any room for a middel ground, and being caught up in ones own rigid beliefs.
We also see this clearly in politics, where any candidate that does not directly appeal or promise greater riches and opportunity to the camp you place yourself in, must be the spawn of an evil underworld.
The concept of good and evil is crass, when the lines have always been vague and undescript. We do not always know how our actions influnce others, or how it shapes our environment. When someone makes a decision or move where you feel shafted, try to remember that there are several factors at play which led them to such actions, and that it does not directly have to please or sooth you in order to be classified as right or wrong.
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