fredag 28. august 2015

Knowing how important it is to be self-nurturing, to not wait, expect, demand others to comfort your emotions, say what you want to hear, act in ways to make them indulge in your every need you do not offer to yourself.
If you do not treat yourself nicely, you are starved for others to do so, you act in ways to make them give you the assurance you refuse to give yourself. You are crippled by the anticipatipn, hope and time spent prayong for others to say or give you what you want and need.

You cannot exist in such a state of waiting, time is wasted, when the nurturer also comes from within. Tell yourself you are beautiful, loveable, nice (but then do remember to act on those principles), and when others do tell you such, bask in the moment, love them even more, feel the sensations, allow their words to enter and caress you.

If you always longing for comfort from others, it will never truly satisfy, because there is a contradictory voice within denying yourself from feeling adequate. And even when others do tell you nice things, you find them hard to believe, and therefore do not recieve.
When being okay, good, great with yourself, you allow yourself to do more good, to participate, create and share, to let the inner light shone bright. It does not shine equally bright when troubled by a nagging voice putting yourself down.

Be okay with others, what they say, what they dont say, and when you accept the expression of yourself and those around you, life flows more freely. Instead of trying to force a moment, a statement, a happening or words. Those things come naturally, trust that they do, trust others.

Knowing that when allowing insecurities to rule, self-doubt, self-sabotaging. Those inner thoughts and words can manifest around, and turn into verbal hurt being thrown in others direction, thus your own self critizicing manifests as critizicing others, becaude the turnoil within finds a way out. Do not nurture such turmoil of the mind, because it does not benefit you or those you love.

Knowing that whatever may happen, you cannot always control your emotions and how you respond, nor that of others, but to behave in a kind manner, be understanding, compassionate of the feelings others hold inside. And nurture yourself and others, even though they may not do as you like, as you please or act in ways thst might spark insecurities within, allow them to be themselves, live life, and to not let it rattle your core, and when feeling good about oneself, you create more good.

Being okay, confident, great, even though things do not always go that best suits you, that would give you most gratification, having that inner voice of reassurance anyways. Being okay with your environment, people, to the best of your ability. Because time spent in disharmony, fear, hurt, is time that leads to no productivity, betterment and future joy. It only cripples.

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