fredag 28. august 2015

The perceptions of negativity and positivity runs deep in most of us.
We label the interactions, expressions and modus operandi of those around us and our own as positive/ngative.
One specific expression is wrong, because of one reason or another. Another way of expression is right, because ive been told so by society.
Most stuff in this world is primarily social constructions, that have been passed on as absolute truth and therefore few question the validity of the information presented to them.
This is particularly clear when it comes to racism, discrimination and hatred for others.
They have been educated or been around environments where such things are encouraged, and the justification comes in a plethora of packages.

For some people, they have a perfect mental image of how things should be, their thoughts structured like that of a five year old playing with her malibu barbie house, and any man besides the impeccable ken simply wont do and is unacceptable.

Black and white thinking that is still stuck in the days of elemtary upbringing.
Some examples: that music is wrong and immoral, that man is not good enough, that movie lasted 2min too long, that person does not have a wife and 2 kids, therefore he is negative and labaled as such.
And everything that does not fit into this rigid barbie malibu illusion, is discarded and frowned upon.

The universe is endless, there is no flower telling us what we should do, no formation in the skies partaining that one way of being is more right than the other. No vibrations from the earth telling us that women should act this way, men should act that way in a coded language.

The bias we hold as to how it is "okay" to be, is entirely man made.
However, as we co-exist, why not try to create social constructions that benefit all, and that doesnt involve the propaganda of hatred, anger and injustice.

This is applicable to the life of the individual as well, as there are many constructions as to what it is okay to like, what one should feel shameful for finding positive (no gain in shame), how it is okay to dress, and what dress-codes are likely to be shunned upon. How we react to celbrities going outside of the box is a clear sign of the narrow structures one is allowed to express oneself within.

Some areas of the world are more conservative than others, but when there is a public outcry and shaming of those who might act or behave in an unexpected manner, it is time to ask the question as to why this causes such an angry reaction in many.

Now, I fullt support the right of opinions, I have plenty of them. I dont like those who try to put chains and limit the freedom of others, I dont like those with extremely conservative outlooks and preach to others that they should censor themselves, i do like niche stuff, entertainment that goes outside of the box of a movie should be 2 hours long, strucured in this way, actors being that.

But when your daily routine consists of bringing down others, pointing out the flaws in others based on your own perception, its time to check yourself.

Ive always believed in do what brings joy to yourself and those around joy, and that feelings of joy and happines and the catalyst for such should not be frowned upon. So if you do like watching moomin at 60-years of age, if you do feel like wearing prevocative clothing, if having a stamp collection, if loving soccer is your number one passion, go for it. There are too many people beng in th business of others, and sharing hatred and anger around the world as if it is necessary. Its not. Do what makes you happy, and do it well.

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