mandag 19. oktober 2015

 Traversing different modalities of juxtapositioning states

There comes a time when we must be flexible in the way we think, express and behave ourselves.
To have the ability to not remain stuck in a singular state of mind, that we cherish and nurture beyond reasonable justification. When the light at the end of the tunnel never seems to appear, no matter how fast or slow the train goes. Under the false belief that everything can be logically explained, and that an answer or eureka moment is destined to appear if we continue onwards in the same train of thought. 
Sometimes the decision to let go of a thought, in whatever shape or form it may come and how it relates to the world around us, is the only thing that allows a chance of escape and resolution. 
No one person can come to fitting conclusions and settle a clever closure in his mind that encompasses all possible variations of solutions. 
Shifting the focus, the eyes and mind elsewhere, can allow sweet relief for the parties involved. 
The same goes for the different moods we go through, some people chain themselves down to only being capable of feeling one way, claiming they are destined or cursed to only identify with a single description in the spectre of limitless sensations that arise from within.
Carefully shutting out any new impulses of thought and emotions the moment they appear.
Like a fearful knight fending of his imagined adversaries that comes in the shape of novelty,
Refusing to let anything impact the predetermined state he has sworn blind allegiance.
Like a couch potato always watching the same channel, jumping on anybody like a high strung cat  that dares come close to the remote to introduce a different show.
Being watchful like a bear resting in his winter hide ready to claw at anyone that tries to wake him up. Whether it be through conditioning or manipulation, some are convinced that they will be eternally denied access to whatever that has been blocked from within, and thus not recognized in anything outside. Convincing themselves that certain things are never to be tasted, and never to be present. Thinking that they can only operate under the same conditions and ways.

There are those who are so stuck in their ways, that anything new coming into their sphere is portrayed as an annoying goblin or witch that can only make things worse, or even catastrophic.
Anything that resembles an incoming change is instantaneously warded off and redirected to the door, leaving nothing new to wander the isolated castle with amplified security and reinforced walls.
When all thoughts, all actions, follow a strict set of established rules that can never be broken, always  treading along the same path at the same time, in the same pace,
Life obviously becomes monotnous and depending on preference, quite dull.
When there is no variety to spice up our existence, all the ethos, logos and pathos of any great story is lost. Like the chapters in a book going over the same details in an endless circle, the characters being like a dog chasing its tail, all the while, sitting still in the same room under identical scenarios, indulging in the same acts constantly.
Being obsessive about life and the routines we harbor to always the stay same, can be seen as a fear of the unknown to devour everything we have established. Seen as a gigantic beast that will rip to shreds everything we have organized and built, the very foundation and fabrics that keeps things together being torn away and exploding into a million little pieces.
Thinking that the tiniest shift in perception, behavior and being will cause immense ramifications
The very idea of propagating a slight change, will be trated as an interference of an inmeasurable scale. But such is not the case, just because we feel new emotions, see new faces, experience different places, does not indicate a removal of everything one has a created, nor does it it take away from what once was. It is simply there. Routines, familiarity and the tried and true can still be present
Do not be consumed by the propensity to dread what has yet to aspire, and maintain constant trepidation. Allow the things you are not used to be a part of life, whether they be emotions, situations, happenings etc, especially when it is necessary. Being able to travel the vast array of landscape available is not a curse, nor is riding a wave takes us to new lands something to avoid.

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