lørdag 3. oktober 2015

   The perils of fate

Being aware of the fact that your words, actions can change your life in matter of hours.
Who we spend time with, what path we walk. Misconstrued words, nagging thoughts in a fleeting moment, irrational deeds commited in a rushed haste.
We are the constructers of our fate, and sometimes we wish our self undoing could have been avoided. To be aware of the fact that, a mistake committed, is enough to drastically turn your reality upside down. Enough to never see a person again, to never move in the same ballots.
We rarely know how our deeds will affect someone, if they are someone quickly to forget and move on, or if they are naturally people who latch on to hurts and slights.
When there is manic confusion within oneself, conflicted affections, contradictory views about a situation, a constant weighing of snippets back and forth. Unable to reach a conclusive answer.
The best thing can be in-action. To not be such an imposing force on the fate and path you carve in front of you. To not allow the willfull voice within, begging for a matter to he swiftly resolved, have its way. To allow your own surroundings instead, to offer solutions and answers. To sit back, patiently wait, and go on about your own business, without diving in head first and tackle the dilemma you are faced with.
There is something to be said about always feeling the need to exert ones power of influence in life, to consciously steer the outcome of the future in a very specific direction.
Instead of allowing others to be a part of the creation, the unfolding and options of fates.
To be trusting enough of the fact that you dont always have to do something about the matters at hand, there is equal shares and options to be divided, and the solutions and words of others are at times way better than the ones initially proposed by yourself.
Recognize the fact that silence is at times golden, that passivity is okay, even though others have come to expect you to be a harbinger of constant influx.
See the wisdom in time, the benefits of not engaging needlessly.
When knowing that the slightest words can cause the greatest shifts, resign your own need to dominate the future, and let the universe slowly show the path, guided by others.
Fate can go in many directions, so be careful when settling upon a fixed path. It may not be as pleasant as you think. Wait for someone to grab your hand, and then walk with them instead, on the path they have chosen as rightful.

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