Just existing is good enough
We are often told what we need to do in order to improve our worth, our fictional stock of human evaluation, in order to rise in value and allure.
That we somehow, after a certain age, are expected to evaluate ourselves based on how we do, what we do and how much we do. Most people accepting these imposed requirements, and taking them deeply to heart. If a percieved failure is noted in an area of life, we cast judgement upon that aspect, we ridicule it, bully it and make sure we change the future outcome.
When always looking at ourselves with scornful eyes, we tend to forget that we would never judge a baby or a child the same way.
A baby is perfect when it is born, and that perfection is retained until passing on. There is nothing we can or cannot do, to qunch that inherent perfection that has always been a part of us. Some things just does not go away.
The things we do in life are glitter added, accesories, appendages to an already perfect existence. We choose to indulge in life, simply because we want to, we choose to find other people, because we need them, we choose to follow our destiny and calling, because we feel like it.
It is a part of enriching the perfection that is already there.
We often become more discerning, even going as far as saying who deserves food and who does not, who is worthy of love, and who is not, who should be alive, and those that should not. When engaging in such abrasive methologies, we often set oursves up for the same scenario, only in a reversal of roles.
Sme think those who do not work in a hired profession, does not deserve food, and thus, ultimately deserves to die. If found in a similair situation, with no work or home, we have set ourselves up for death because of the pre established mindset cast upon those who came before. We say some people do not deserve love if they have made mistakes or said or done the wrong things, if we ourslves ever were to screw up, we are inadvertedly now in a position where we feel love should be denied.
The thing to remember is that we are perfect, and that existing, just being around, hanging out, eating, walking, relaxing, is all it takes for us to be divine. Nothing more, nothing less, and if you chose to add on to your experiences, go ahead, but it does not diminish the value of those who lead a different life, or prefer to pursue a different path.
Just exist, eat a banana, and be cool with that.
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