torsdag 4. august 2016

When 100 people look at one picture, you might get 100 different reactions.

There is a tendency to believe that a word such as happines can only describe one fixed sensations, and that it is felt on similair terms by all who use that word. A false ideal that we know exactly what another person is talking about if they articulate themselves in a specific way. Within the spectre of human emotions, there are billions of different shades, probably trillions with hints and flavors that make the sensation uniquely felt by the individual proffesing it. 
Some like to say that the world repeats itself endlessly, that there is no true novelty or breakthrough. Such could not be further from truth, the love a mother feels for her child, will he different for every mother, no one way of feeling can be an exact replica of what another feels and experiences. For every expression of love that is shared and brought to existence, it carries with it a unique spark that is new to the history of the universe. 
Sure, some moments and fragments of time might be similair, but do not mistake that for a static cloning operation that needlessly occurs. There are also those times when we might mimic the emotions and sensations of those close to us, in moments of complete unison, while sincerly being in the same space of complete understanding and merging of souls.
But it can be easy to forget that what we think, is not necessarily reflected around us, or how we feel.

Some might find sports and going to the gym shallow endavours, for others, it might bring them such joy and exuberance, that indulging in such activities is unbridled in scope of satisfaction and fullfilment. Some might find a hedonistic lifestyle to be a shallow grave of empty desires, while another person might find it brings them closer to divinty, their own being, the true core of their soul. 
The differences in reaction and pespective can be easy to overlook, quickly clouding our minds with judgement and a complete lack of understanding.
We all react differently to the stimuli and happenings surrounding us, and claiming a monopoly on how we profuse that people should react, should feel, when faced with a specific painting is tyranny. We all operate on different modalities, and a masterpiece to some, might be trash to another. 
The good old saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder ringe true, but it also applies elsewhere. 

There are times when we simply refuse to acknowledge the mind of someone else, the heart of a friend, how they might have experienced something, leading into a narrow and claustrophobic corridor where the essence of I is the only essence. 
Just by interacting with a person, you might have 1000 different experinces when different meetings occur. Some might see him or her as evil, some might see kindness, generosity and consideration as integral keys to describe the same person. Even when looking at different angles, your answer might vary, seeing other sides that might shift your perceptions. 

In society at large, there can be a longing for unity by sacrificing true thought or emotions, coercing others i to believing the same as we do, seeing the world in the same colors as we do, people, institusions, politics etc, just to feel a sense of belonging
People forget that there can be a sense of belonging in true acceptance, and that not everyone has to think the same, be the same or act the same in order for there to be unity. It can also occur when there are differences, but such is swept under the carpet by those who profess that similarities is the only way to peace, a homogenized society is the only means to harmony and cooperation. They are obviously consumed by fear.

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