torsdag 14. april 2016

No man is an island, but some sure would want it that way. Good luck with that.

No man or woman can live in an isolated space without going bonkers, there is a reason why solitary confinement can drive annonse nuts.
Imagine a life spent in complete darkness, in the confines of a dark room, with no sunshine, no sound, no furniture, no outer influnces to enrich our senses. The result would be a complete dud, a man with no voice, no ability to speak, walk or know anything besides a crippling stillnes that has permiated his every cell and fiber in his body.
No expansion, nothing to learn, just a blob of energy that cannot navigate himself, or be a part of anything besides his own insulated mind that has recieved no stimuli. A being enraptured in complete nothingness, because he was never introduced to the world beyond his four walls that kept him imprisoned.

We can use this analogy and compare it to those who wish to live in a bubble, those who dare not to question themselves, challenge their own mind, vehemently refusing to recieve no inspiration or sparks of enlightenment from others. Believing that the tiny world he or she is able to comprehend, is the only thing that matters, the only way, the only road to salvation, the only road to happines. 
There are people like this all around us, those who swear by their beliefs to such an extent, their upbringing, the place they call home, that they never take a step outside of their comfort zone.
Prefering to have as little interruption as possible, no one to approach their doorstep with a differing viewpoint, only hanging out with those that mirror their exact thoughts and moves, and only reading and watching stuff that reinforces the reality they have created for themselves. 

There is no denying the fact that no man is an island, and that we all influence eachother in varying degrees, and that without the treasure chest of boundless toys to play with, we would never be subjected to something unknown and new. No way to find inspiration, if we have nothing to pull from, no way to take a stroll, if there are no roads or earth to walk upon, no way to experince love, if we have no reference as to how it feels like, no way to hear music, if no one ever created an instrument or dared to sing. 
There is no shame in admitting that we all constitute and contribute to something on this earth, that without others, there is nothing to be felt. Something can arise within us from anything, but without this ever changing place that gives form to concepts, thoughts, ideas and longings, we would have no springboard to catapult from. An empty room with one wooden toy to inspire play, is better than nothing. A giant maze with two others searching for something, is better than one doomed to never encounter anyone there. Maybe two people after wandering for years, eventually will stumble into eachother in the maze, and rejoice in knowing they no longer have to walk alone.
Be open to new impulses, ideas and thoughts, because sometimes, it adds the spice you didn't know you wanted in life, sometimes it is the harbinger of an element that can inspire and enrich your soul.

So dont be a close minded conservative fool yall :-) who bashes and hates everything different from oneself, who wishes to kill and eradicate anything that creates wonder and confusion. Someone who becomes enraged by anything he or she cannot understand, or is driven into a mad fury whenever they feel the chaos of the unknown knocking. Open the door yall :-) dont be a small minded, foolish cunt of a bitch, who only swears by one plate of food, one book, one sentiment, one ideal, one perspective, keep that to yoself yo :-)

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