Maybe we always have enough, that feelings of lacking something, is self-imposed
We can find ourselves in all variety of places and situations in life, sometimes we may have a lot of monetary funds, be surrounded by the sun, be in a huge company of friends, and sometimes the reverse is where we end up at times.
When we look around, see who surrounds us, what we are privileged enough to live and experince, what something may teach us, whos hand we might hold, where the next smile comes from, that fun idea we just had, the good meal we just recieved, the fresh smell of flowers.
There is always something there for us to feel content, but we may close our eyes and senses, and see only what is not there. To only reach for that which we wish to materialize, to only dream about the person outside of our border.
Not seeing the ones who present themselves here and now. To neglect the help we have been given, and murmur about the times no one extended a hand.
Do we always need much more, does everything have to be replaced, when can we finally come to the conclusion that we do have exactly what we need in this moment. We are alive, we can breath, we can make choices and go outside, to see the butterly that appears from nowhere.
Does a whole swarm of butterflies need to manifest itself in order for it to be satisfactory, must the sun shine just a little brighter for it to feel good, does the chinese food need paprika in order for it to be satisfactory, when all the other elements are there.
Must a movie inkludert your favorite actress for it to be good, can a bed only be comfortable if it represents your go to brand. Can a friend only be good enough if he gives you an occasional massage.
Sometimes we are given chocolate ice cream, sometimes strawberry or maybe even peach or lemon. Should we deny ourselves the right to enjoy the ice cream if it does not have sprinkles, or is two cones instead of three.
What is it in your life now, that you have deemed unworthy of bringing you inner peace, what brick walls have you built to block the view in your garden. Somehow, we have always made it, still being here, and when looking back, seeing that you had everything you needed in that moment, seeing that you have everything you need right now.
The strength inside we believe to be lacking, the courage to make change, the valor to follow your desires, is already there, it has always been there. And what is inherently yours, can never be taken away, only blocked by yourself. By the frightening trolls and demons you have conjured up before you. To deprive oneself of something one already has is impossible, but one can fight it, try to burn it, get rid of it, but somehow it always finds its way back. When you need strength, it is there, when you need joy, it will appear, when you need support, it will show up, when you need love, it will find ITS way to you, because the universe is benevolent, a magic treasure box that holds everything you need, just be open to see it yourself, and appreciate how it presents itself to you. It might not always be how you imagined, but it will be there, it already is.
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