onsdag 13. april 2016

Sometimes the path of least resistance, aint so bad

We can often operate on terms that goes against ourselves, seek out people, places etc where we do not really want to be or fit in. Try to get a job we do not really want, or that seems unappealing to us, try to hang with a crowd we feel uncomfortable with, and have next to nothing in common with. Trying to squeeze ourselves through tiny key holes, just to prove a point that it can be done. When there are other doors open for you with no keys required.

Always going against the stream to channel some kind of message, trying to teach someone around us about something they do not really need to know. Walking through doors where we dont like the interior, and demanding ourselves to stay there because we believe it to be expected of us. Wearing perfumes with a funky odor we do not like, just to seemingly impress someone. Eating foods that give us no joy, because we believe we should be on a diet. Chasing an occupation we secretly abhor, because someone somewhere told us it would give great financial reward. 

Being in constant opposition to oneself, clamoring for validation and recogniction from a crowd of people you do not mesh with. To top it all of, seeing out those people actively. Only to inevitably experience that one does not feel at home, or that it is an environment that brings inner satisfaction or a sense of peaceful harmony. Resisting what we know deep inside is right for us individually, not searching for the activity that elevates us, not recognizing those who accept and embrace you, instead shifting ones focus to those who will give you a never ending challenge.

We sometimes have to feel our way through life, and we instinctually pick up on subtle clues all around us, as to who we are attracted to, who we spend our time with, where we feel like travelling, what we feel like accomplishing, the inner compass is always in full motion, but it is our decision as to wether we follow it or not. There can of course be notable differences between people, and still get along fabulously, but sometimes we just know where and with who we belong, despite the conditioning of society telling us it will not work. There is a difference between that, and forcing oneself to be with people or places one simply isnt happy. Happines can be sparked by the most unlikely people as well. When we become aware of our own feelings, and honor them and what our intuition tells us, we will come to feel the radiance of our hearts.

There are of course some groupings, organizations and hurdled masses of people that allow less individuality to shine through, in favor of a doctrined organism that thinks and acts alike, and any sign of difference is seen as a something to get rid of and shunned without a trial or regulation. While those who are perhaps a bit more liberal in their approach to life, are more open to welcome differences while being able to get along and find good company with someone who differs from themselves. To see the blending that it can bring, instead of treating those who seem different like a vermin. Certain countries and institutions where everyone has to be alike and think alike just to stay alive, is not very dignified. 

When knowing oneself, and being strong and form in knowing who we are, sensing the core of our very being, the soul that resides within us, our own energetic field and radiance, it becomes easter to naturally be guided to where we need to go, what we need to see and experience, and where we are welcomed. There can only be so much disparancies one man can take, only so many obvious differences in behavior and opinion, before becoming exhausted by the inevitable clash between oneself and the mirror before you.

Sometimes it does seen like certain stuff is predetermined by fate, a timid and shy woman with a calm temperament could force herself to work within the police force, but will probably at some time be forced out of there. She can either keep on fighting against the established facts, or find a place more in tune with her temperament. A gay man can desperately try to fit in within orthodox christians, and bang against every wall, until he reaches a point where he sees the fruitlessnes of his efforts, and instead finds a tribe of people that welcomes him just as he is. 
We decide for ourselves for how long we wish to tear ourselves up, and curse the very DNA of our soul, or we can decide to be okay with the tools we have been given, natural talents, ethics, morals, and be part of a system that encourages us, and where we can encourage ourself. 
Does fate play a part in this, and are there forces outside encouraging us to be true to ourself, and presenting us with hurdles until we can finally accept who we are, and then go there, either mentally, physically or spiritually. 

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