torsdag 22. oktober 2015

Incessant barrage of automated specifications

There can be instances when we apply a particular checklist to our lives, with expectations and demands for how we think our surroundings must appear and be in strict accordance with.
If there is a slight deviation in the immediate reality, we can react with a need for rectification if the mental landscape of proposed ideals are not met.
The envisioned plans of how we believe the rightful path to unwind can often be static if there is little to no room for exeptions. When there always must be a perfect allignment of several elements in order for an innitation of action and participation to take place, we severly limit ourself in our ability to welcome the unexpected. If the rules of our narratives only lead us to the land of narrow-minded decisions where the afforementioned fantasies of duly structure are found, we can begin to examine why such an edifice is there.
It can also lead to crippling doubt and lack of self-expression when the foundations we have set in stone are never to be rebuked. Doubt because the list set in place, will indisputably be met with occurences that goes beyond the specifications we hope to be present. Therefore our enthuisaism dwindles when the proposed framework has been denied. Suppression of the self when we are unable to be in complete harmony with the checklist we deem necessary to take action.

It can almost be like an automatic response system, where we have a predetermined response to anything as either goood or bad depending on the likeness it holds to our own ideals. The immediate classification that shrinks the amount of experiences we are to take part in, if not found in the contract we esteem as a faultless advisor. Forgetting that one thing often leads to another, and dismissing any roads where one cannot encode the progression of events in a symbiotic equation.
Only innitiating a project if the results are expected to be exactly as planned. Only going on a trip if the journey is in exact synchronozity with specific demands. Only accepting another person if they meet subjective criteria. Only daring to be bold if the formula has been well studied in advance. Only advancing to another place if it is predisposed to satisfy every need. Only expressing oneself if the responses have been carefully calculated to be in a certain way. Only partaking in a gathering if the guestlist was written by you. Only allowing a specific set of emotions to be detected when in accordance to what we have deemed worthwhile. Only liking something if it follows the paragraphs we have written about likes and dislikes.
Sooner or later, the skeletal remains of unlived possibilities are surely to be found. The sight of an abandonned castle where a party had taken place, lost to time devising how to dress and look most appropriately.
When we employ such tactics, surely the wheel has been halted and is at a critical point where the iron shaft set in place is about to break. Things are likely to be at a standstill, and refrained from movement not bound by shackles. The true horror is when we have stopped to permit the unexplored aspects of life to be welcome. When the alarm clock is always ringing by the mere sight of something we have not permitted in our book of dichotomy. The crevasse growing ever larger due to an arrangement of stipulations, that seperates us from the prospects of great randomness . When we constantly scrutinize the value of something or lack thereof, if the notions of necessities we request are not there.
When we can only say yes if the timing is right, always say no when the most menial detail is out of touch, and always say maybe if we are stuck in prolonged evaluation of a proposed question. When we refuse to take a leap of faith, an unfiltered action that has not been cross examined in the lab of possible outcomes. The checklist can even extend to how we believe we should react in the present, and how something must pan out in order for it to be valuable or enjoyable.
When taking the unexpected way forward, we liberate the need for a shrewd and unyielding force of protection to show us the way. The emancipation follows, and see what we later comes to fruition by the seeds we did not tear out from the ground.

tirsdag 20. oktober 2015

Associative imprints directing the course of life

We often operate under associative terms, based on previous experience guiding the expectations of future undertakings. Thinking one or two impressions  is enough to describe what we are currently undergoing. Those impressions are often based on how something made us feel or acted earlier, and we can carry them with us to unrelated situations where the truth is in actually completely different. Because we carry with us associations of how something must be, it causes a blockage of allowing something to unfold in a more unprocessed flow.
We can attach sadness, joy, hope, laughter and dread to a multitude of things, even believing that only very specific people can evoke laughter, as if a natural part of our being reminds stuck in purgatory with no chance of being recovered and brought back to its rightful owner.
We can attch sadness to a specific place due to unfortunate happenings, and think there is no possibility of a reversal, due to an obstinate need for a predictable scenario in which our predetermined thoughts are solidified. Thus denying any room for our preconcieved notions to be shattered. A junction point where there is no chance for new possibilities to occur.
When labelling the environment around us as in absolutist terms with a handful of associative predictions we refuse to let go of, our soul is hindered from seeing things perspecuity. Obscurred by the needless connections we try to establish in an attempt to be prepared for active avoidance if trivial similarities are noticed.
When presented with the slightest hint of reoccuring elements, there can be a tendency to jump to hurried conclusion and clevery construct a delirious prophecy of what is yet to come.

Can we truly be free if every step is administered by the foreshadowing of tribulations, if we always form coalitions to unions, places, expression that are completely different, but still hampered by the need to make correlations that are shaped by past impressions.
Thinking that a jester will appear to mimic your moves and of those around you, to mirror and bring the resurfacing of old sagas, and have the unpredictability of life to comply diligently to a rigid set of infeasibilities.
When constantly recounting and stenghtening the associations we have, our life quickly becomes cramped and confined to outgrown ideals that no longer hold relevance to where we currently find ourselves. Some of the beliefs are minor in size, some more personal, some can even extend to a huge scale that goes beyond any borders, and compressed into a tiny ideal that shuns the possibility of diversity and jumble. Refusal to acknowledge that life is messy, unpredictable and full of chance. Neglecting such a view in favor of a tidy explanation that believes multitudes can be easily explained and labelled based on a simple overview or a swift generalized assessment.
When we maintain our assertions of unsolicited beliefs,  and refuse to see and feel with different motions, we actively hinder justice and fairness to what we are faced with, since our minds are enclosed and captivated by previous indoctrinations.
There are always exeptions in life, and no statistics, data or experience can rightfully determine the entirety of how things will transpire. Fluctuations and variations remains, and nothing ever comes in the same package it once was delivered.
When associations take over, thinking we can only love one person, laugh in one way, sing at one place, dance in one bar only, or how we no longer can dance, sing, love or laugh based on the reactions of past and allowing similair predictions of associations appointed to a leadership position. The boss of our every move being like cinematographer that only includes flashbacks in his films while never offering contemporary shits. When exluding all other options of differing idiosyncracies due to a stern mentality, we are coersed into a prison of the mind that dissarms us of our ability to be free without sullying the pure river. To be unbiased and unprejudiced in the interractions we have with our own soul, and that of others, should perhaps be the goal to strive for. To replace a bucket of documents we manically allude to as irrefutable evidence , with a clean slate, that writes itself as we go along. 

mandag 19. oktober 2015

 Traversing different modalities of juxtapositioning states

There comes a time when we must be flexible in the way we think, express and behave ourselves.
To have the ability to not remain stuck in a singular state of mind, that we cherish and nurture beyond reasonable justification. When the light at the end of the tunnel never seems to appear, no matter how fast or slow the train goes. Under the false belief that everything can be logically explained, and that an answer or eureka moment is destined to appear if we continue onwards in the same train of thought. 
Sometimes the decision to let go of a thought, in whatever shape or form it may come and how it relates to the world around us, is the only thing that allows a chance of escape and resolution. 
No one person can come to fitting conclusions and settle a clever closure in his mind that encompasses all possible variations of solutions. 
Shifting the focus, the eyes and mind elsewhere, can allow sweet relief for the parties involved. 
The same goes for the different moods we go through, some people chain themselves down to only being capable of feeling one way, claiming they are destined or cursed to only identify with a single description in the spectre of limitless sensations that arise from within.
Carefully shutting out any new impulses of thought and emotions the moment they appear.
Like a fearful knight fending of his imagined adversaries that comes in the shape of novelty,
Refusing to let anything impact the predetermined state he has sworn blind allegiance.
Like a couch potato always watching the same channel, jumping on anybody like a high strung cat  that dares come close to the remote to introduce a different show.
Being watchful like a bear resting in his winter hide ready to claw at anyone that tries to wake him up. Whether it be through conditioning or manipulation, some are convinced that they will be eternally denied access to whatever that has been blocked from within, and thus not recognized in anything outside. Convincing themselves that certain things are never to be tasted, and never to be present. Thinking that they can only operate under the same conditions and ways.

There are those who are so stuck in their ways, that anything new coming into their sphere is portrayed as an annoying goblin or witch that can only make things worse, or even catastrophic.
Anything that resembles an incoming change is instantaneously warded off and redirected to the door, leaving nothing new to wander the isolated castle with amplified security and reinforced walls.
When all thoughts, all actions, follow a strict set of established rules that can never be broken, always  treading along the same path at the same time, in the same pace,
Life obviously becomes monotnous and depending on preference, quite dull.
When there is no variety to spice up our existence, all the ethos, logos and pathos of any great story is lost. Like the chapters in a book going over the same details in an endless circle, the characters being like a dog chasing its tail, all the while, sitting still in the same room under identical scenarios, indulging in the same acts constantly.
Being obsessive about life and the routines we harbor to always the stay same, can be seen as a fear of the unknown to devour everything we have established. Seen as a gigantic beast that will rip to shreds everything we have organized and built, the very foundation and fabrics that keeps things together being torn away and exploding into a million little pieces.
Thinking that the tiniest shift in perception, behavior and being will cause immense ramifications
The very idea of propagating a slight change, will be trated as an interference of an inmeasurable scale. But such is not the case, just because we feel new emotions, see new faces, experience different places, does not indicate a removal of everything one has a created, nor does it it take away from what once was. It is simply there. Routines, familiarity and the tried and true can still be present
Do not be consumed by the propensity to dread what has yet to aspire, and maintain constant trepidation. Allow the things you are not used to be a part of life, whether they be emotions, situations, happenings etc, especially when it is necessary. Being able to travel the vast array of landscape available is not a curse, nor is riding a wave takes us to new lands something to avoid.

søndag 18. oktober 2015

  The abysmal threshold of accpeted behavior

Most of us have come across people who live under a rigidly constructed reality of what they allow in themselves, and more importantly, others. Those who are driven into a frenzied state of an encapsulated judge ready to strike down and use tactics of shame and fictional convictions of right and wrong to silence any expression they cannot handle. 
Those who feverently feel the need to erase any aspect of life that causes their inner core to be shaken  and invokes a slight sense of uncomfort.  Those who are the preachers of moral codes they demand everyone they come across to swear adherence to, imagining themselves to be undisputed vanguards of the petty words they tell in the pretense of truth.
Do they see slightly erratic behaviors, the sight of someone they will never comprehend, outburts of emotions they are solemnly terrified of, actions that baffle them with confusion, simply put, the slightest apperance of something they will never understand. Suddenly their vicious selves are mobilised and adorning themselves with a cloak of false intentions to stamp out anything that causes an unexpected tremor in their veins.
They have to live with a miniscule tolerance for anything that goes beyond their diminutive comprehension of how reality and life should be. Being unreasonably prudent and censorious in their demands of others, hoping for certain aspects of life and what they entail to be completely erradicated. Like an obsessive cleaning worker polishing his window for the umpteenth time, terrified of anything percieved as a spot or flaw in what he/she thinks should be unequivocally sparkling.
Thinking life should be like the job they find themselves in, where everybody has to pertain to a specific set of rules. Like a big group of people gathered under a cause, slowly but surely losing the sight of themselves under the roar of massive unified opinions and viewpoints. Anyone who holds a slight variation of sentiments, immediately banished due to the sight of an interloper being too disconcerning and threathening to the establishment that has no room to wiggle.

Those who see others as nothing more than people to be corrected, critiqued into their ideals of perfection, ridding others of any quirks and peculiarities not in ressonance with the aggressors desire to subvert. Anything that throws them slightly off kilter is seen as a justifiable reason to be consumed by wrath and anger, to enforce their will and suppress the unrefined and real aspects of the individual, only to speed up the forming of an artificial being devoid of true personality.
Those living under pious protocol, reacting with furious rage by the sight of anyone they consider a vagrant. Someone they cannot establish an easy and predictable way of communing with, someone that shatters the preconcieved notions of absolute normalicy they have grown accustomed to and worship.
This can also be applied to inter-personal relationships, we will always be surprised, baffled and confused sometimes by the motivations and incentives of others, the underlying causes of expressed behavior, what it meansand how to cope and be lax about it without engaging in needless strife and prolonged tribulations. To simply be okay with however the ones we love truly are, truly feel and to gracefully accept them, to blissfully surrender to the fact that true beauty is inherently always present. And to stop defining the flow of authentic reaction and expression and constantly limiting what we accept. Nobody should be forced to live in a cramped cubicle, where they feel smothered and lacking in space for free movement and free speech. To have others demand that the corset should always be tighter, eventually leaving no room to breathe.
Be careful not to treat others this, to eschew anything that does not fit a mold others have created. To be overtly reactive and critical to any behaviors that seems weird, unfathomable in the moment, special. Because before you know it, the person you once knew, has had his/hers fun and interesting garmenrs replaced by a boring and unremarkable uniform with no distinction or magical touch.

   Archetypes of judgement subjugated in our mind

Ever since we were brought into this world, we are served images of an imposing certainty  telling us what types of people we can trust and should without further investigation consider good and noble. 
Whether it be through the educational system, the media, entertainment, peers and other leading figures in our upbringing, we are expected to believe what kind of behavioral patterns and actions we can anticipate from someone if they fit certain stereotypical criteria.
What people we should without hesitation steer clear from, avoid at all cost without getting to know them, and who we are allowed to believe is a saint with noble and ethical merits that we should never be suspicious of. 
Such stereotypical archetypes are found scattered across the world and in our day to day environments, personalities based on image and occupation compressed into an unquestionable and unflinching status quo model where there is no room for exeption. 
We are often made to believe that certain people automatically have an established set of qualities if we are informed about a meager amount of information about them, to jump into conclusions about character and how they probably treat others.

There are those who are never held accountable for their indiscretions, due to an exterior of affalable demeanour, who escape criticism due to the position and societal environments they frolic in. While on the flipside, there are those who are automatically mitigated to being a nuisance by default, and always on the recieving end of unwarranted descriptions of hurtful words, being burdened by the weight of false and unjust characteristics simply because they do not fite a model of normality.
When having delved into life intensely, seen people from all kinds of vocations and living situations, you come to the realization that the cruel and unjust are more likely to be the people you never would have suspected in the first place. Those women and men no one would think is capable of inflicting adverse damage. It is when you see behind the facade that society and people upholds and sustains in our perception of others that you can get a clearer picture of nrtruth. 
Those who follow the status quo, are often praised as pillars of a healthy society, never the victims of unfair allegations and accusations that may shake the infallible guise they cling on to. 
It is those who exist on the outside of the periphery of invisible codes on normality who most often find themselves scrutinized and assessed without forewarning.
Those who do not fit a certain criteria expected by those who like to pride themselves as being the moral and ethical vanguards for the masses, can be expected to recieve a heap of projections of unsavory indications.
Those who walk a path different than most, live a life not predetermined by inherited value and expectations, being on the outskirts of what others consider normal and rigtheous, assocating with people others judge and instill predetermined traits ripe with scorn and contempt. Simply because they do not conform to an archetype looming in the collective subconsciouss as trustworthy and capable of great beauty.
Completely arbitrary models of fleeting impressions that are taken for granted as undeniable guidelines in our voyage through life.
We even attach principal expectations to the gender we inhabit, and when capable of operating from such a simple compass, there are those who apply the rigid conformity everywhere when just skimming the surface of an individual. Those who believe the underlying stereotypical archetypes they constantly propogate.
This is a very fine example of everything you supposedly know is wrong, that woman you deemed trustworthy and kind based on social standing, turns out to be a wicked wrench, and as such, the belief was rightfully obliterated. That man you dared not to speak to based on a rugged appearance, actually turned out to be the kindest individual you have met. That woman you cornered with a watchful eye of unscrupulous judgement because of her job, proved herself to be a stern provider of support to friends upon closer inspection. That man who resides in what most would consider shady locations, actually happened to be overflowing with grace.
Think about the perceptions you hold deep within, the instantenous reactions that have not yet been given shape to conscious words and thoughts, and circumvent the preordained notion of who we can consider to be a bright light and who cannot. The roles are often reversed in actuality.

søndag 11. oktober 2015

  The unquenchable thirst 

We can find ourselves involved in manic harvesting of imagined gold, locked in a power struggle to attract the largest amounts of love, affection and experience to feed us.
Comparing and pitting ourselves up against others to be the greatest hoarders of what life and others are able to offer us. Counting the number of conquests and mountains we have climbed in haughty manner, proudly displaying the things we have been able to attract. As if partaking in an alchemical proccess to draw the essence out of encounters, and salivate it in a decadent banquet. 
Building a bunker where the distilled gold is collected, like the tombs of ancient pharaos to enrich their image and value in the eyes of others. The onlookers unaware of the fact that the the pharao was trying to fill an empty void and compensating this lack of internal fulfillment and soulful engagement with elaborated statues and rare material objects. 
When acting in manipulative ways, witholding our own truth and meaning to only recieve gifts and tokens of admiration from those we wish to have an advantage over. To place ourselves in positions of might and thus hold the specter while charging for the superficial throne room where none are allowed to visit. Where we are involved in a constantly weighing of scales, to make sure we have the most influence. Reacting with all encompasing panic and rage when brought to our knowledge that someone somewhere has been the recipient of what we have yet to furnish our lavish throne rooms with. Knowing deep inside we did not really want or need even more glittering capes to adorn our closets, but the thought sets of a trigger like a child in a toy store simply wanting whatever he cannot claim as his possesion. 
When we see life as something to own, feed us, and forget to be a soulful participant in the dance, but instead manically circumvent the natural flow to take the shape of a hungry beast swallowing all we can, and scurrying about in a frantic pace to ensure we have tasted all the delicacies on the buffett just for the heck of it, we can quickly lose track.
A convoluted bucket list of an insatiable scope scattered with trivialities that does not make our hearts and minds blaze with luminescent lightning bolts of vigor and excitement. Simply there as another expendable bracelet, ring, piece of clothing to be placed in the bunker of gold. 
There can be a tendency to lose track of our true light and joy, when everything must be gathered and felt. When having a sense of entitlement that we should be the superior aristocrats of life, and be served whatever our fleeting whims demand, we can be become dissociated from feeling the true self and core of others. When creating walls of segregation, we can become unable to function on the same wavelength and thus our mind wandering in another space being unable to truly connect and associate with what is happening. 
If sitting alone in the gaudy throne room where none are admissioned to pass, instead of a quaint country village beaming with life and festivities without imposed fixations on cast and class, we quickly become disilussioned.
When pursuing that which we do not truly need or have an innate longing for, the end results can often be felt as vapid and lacking in depth. The enigmatic sensations otherwise felt when engaging with the world, replaced by vacant emotions of a nugatory paradox. 

fredag 9. oktober 2015

  Hopeless illusions

There are times when we are presented with insurmountable evidence that leads us to see something for how it really is. Stacks of documents and validations that confirm specific information about a predicament. Overwhelming evidence in the court of life that details and explains how things really are. Still, we sometimes chose to ignore and dismiss the glaring truth, in favor of hopeless illusions to    convince ourself otherwise. We might focus on that one card in the shuffle that is missing, out of 72 cards there are two missing, and the percentage of likelyhood of those two cards having any notable snippets of inluental meaning is next to null.
Probing for anything that might resemble a counter argument in a battle dismissed and shelved long ago with you being the only one still fixated on the case. When we are stuck in a self-imposed perplexity, constantly ruminating over that one meager possibility that can change an outcome, we become stuck in a circle that leaves no room for escape. 
Constantly confronted with the same valleys and trees in the merry go round, nothing changing, but our refusal to jump of causes dizzying sensations to overcome us. 
The evidence will not dissipate, and we can chose whether to finally believe the obvious answers that have been there in front of us all along, or to instead try to look the other way and hire a detective team to start an investigation with no new results to sway our opinion. The decetives not finding anything new, because there already had been an investigation. Having to pay them in tokens of time, effort, energy and life for their doomed mission where it was preordained they would find nothing.
There must be a limit, a definitive hault to entertaining draining scenarios of unlikely possibilities, especially when it does nothing but eliminate your reserved of energy that could be spent elsewhere.
Being trapped within cycles of such thinking, is also tied to an unability to let go. To accept the current circumstances of the stream that has guided you there, and being able to surmount the need for different results.
The imgination can concieve all kinds of fantasies and impose the mental image of desired results unto anything that does not jive with or feel comfortable to the soul. Sometimes we must bite the sour apple and be onay with the fact that not all truths are easy to swallow, and they do not always correspond with the ideals we might have of paragon excellence and virtue.
The path we walk is not always a road with justice, fairness and constant merry, nor should it be. The sooner we learn to accept and move on from trying to dechiper what has already been set in stone, and leave our tools of encryption behind, more possibilities of freedom and manifestation of future endeavours will ensue.
The illusory dreamscape of impossibilities can be compared to meticulously creating a castle out of sand with minimal amounts of waters, only to be moments later washed ashore by the ferocious waves. Trying to create figurnes out of thin vapor, their image dissipating after seconds.
Shifting our focus towards writing the future, instead of defeatist attempts at rewriting the past and delving in realms of desperate hopes that are incongruent with stated reality. Instead seeing the doors of actual possibilities and where we can make a difference and change, our lives will become more in allignment with an abundant cauldron that keeps on giving newfangled experience. 

onsdag 7. oktober 2015

  The present without bombardments of interruptions

It can be difficult to recognize when the time has come to simply tune out all thoughts and expectations of what might happen tomorrow, what we will do in a week, where we will stand in a month. The present moment being bombarded by feelings and conjectures regarding the worries we feel stifled by, the boredom we wish to terminate, the questions we ponder, the arrangement and scheduling of hours and days to come. 
Tenfolds of impression being injected into our mind, like having four songs playing at the same time, hearing three people talking to us at the same time trying to get their point across, being tasked to solve ten conondrums simultaneously. 
There are those days, moments, weeks, when we simply must let go of the need to think ahead, plan ahead and live in the comforting assurance of another day. Sometimes it is okay to let go, not permanently, but temporarily of the hustle we at times feel confined by and inclined to be submerged in. When always in the whirlpool of planning the next step, swiftly hoping to seize the next sensations that might enhance our system, thinking there is something better and more fulfilling activity to be involved in. The current moment always in a fierce battle with other possibilities, competing for your time and attention. 
The current person you spend time with in an invisible competition to others you think would elevate your senses higher. The current book or article you are reading in cast aside to chase the next one that seems more alluring. The current place you find yourself, something not entirely right about it, the restaurant next door must have the remedies to your flustered impression. 
Embroiled in a constant search to supposedly surpass what the immediate now has to offer.
When most moments is seen as a commodity, most people seen as expendable, when the only way to make smeone realize the worth of loyalty and steadfastness is a mafia bootcamp, and the only way to realize the gift of focus and contentment is a buddhist teacher in the outskirts of a hidden village in Nepal.
When engulfed in constantly darting from one thought to the next, one pice of longing to next,
We miss out on what can be described as true immersion. Being fully and totally engrossed in the stream of experience we take part of. When only gently tipping our toes into the steaming waters of a hot spring, instead of submerging and surrendering our bodies to the soothing waters, we become unable to touch the core of many things.
When there is constantly an intrusive element in your inner space, demanding to be the center of attention for a short span of time, desperately clamoring for your attention only to be replaced immediately by another. It is time to prioritize what you allow entrance into the temple, and how many visitors you have a day. When there are a constant stream of visitors, new faces, new pieces of information rolling on a conveyor belt in a hurried pace, we may lose the ability to retain any cohesive impressions. Forget the ability to enjoy, to simply see recognize quality without being interrupted by the need for quantity. Believing that the imaginary promised land of contentment and joy is to be found on another island, and upon arrival, the whispers of empty gratification carrying you elsewhere.
It is not very noble to demand and expect most things to be in accordance with the subjective ideals of paramount excellence. To have unruly high standards of what is a valuable proponent in life and in others, to never finding anyone or anything to be perfectly fine as it is, seeing little value in the different aspects of everything surrounding us. Thwarting the natural succession of events to occur with constant intervals of replacements and rapid change to satisify the magnanimous thirst for instant gratification in whatever new shape possible. We are all allowed to how our own prefferments and react differently and love and find interesting that which is subjective, but when almost nothing is considered subjectivey good enough and in need of constant replacement, its not a good sign. It is surely a good quality to thrive under chaos, think of exciting plans and goals for the future, but when feeling unable to be in the present because of constant interceptions, just calm down quite frankly. 

tirsdag 6. oktober 2015

    Sordid assumptions of the unknown 

There are those that instill all sorts of presumptuous qualities in those they encounter,
Assigning them qualities and attributes based on their own fearful perception of the world and of others. Where they see others as the bad wolf, and liking themselves to be a pure and innocent lamb, living in a world where no one can match the supposed kindness and grace they believe themselves to be in possesion of.
Some people are quick to discard others as the image they have meticulously pieced together in an instant, never seeing beyond their own limited imagination of characters they instignate immediately after an encounter. Clamoring to the false idea that no one can be as good and honorable as they believe themselves to be. Never giving anyone a chance to usurp the imaginary unrivaled throne of astonishing attributes.
They might percieve others to have ulterior motives, ill intent, a core filled with nightmarish ghouls and monsters always lurking and waiting to have a bite of the perfection that is them. While they have such high opinions of themselves, and lowly of others, they still clamor on the illusion that they are fundementally good people in a dangerous world.
Never crossing their mind that their own perception of others is inherently morbid and unjustified.
 Instilling qualities unto others that arent there, painting a false image, a complete forgery of the truth, a hoax of unrbidled scope, isnt a very kind thing to do. Nor does it diminish the true core of another being. Engaging in such thinking doesnt place you on the top of a pecking order of good people, the ones you deem bad growling and begging to be a part of your self-proclaimed angelic presence.

There are of course those we may have gotten close to, who we no longer desire to engage with due to a myriad of causes and reasons, but there is a difference between being squeamish at the mere sight of a percieved flaw in those you have yet to know.
Being mistakenly identified as a crook, a thief, a miser by strangers, is never a good thing. So we can ask ourselves, who is in the wrong, the person who jumped to conclusions about a stranger and labelled them as something unworthy of praise immediately, or the one who was judged.
The answer is obvious. In the end it is the torch-bearer of constant fear and assumptions that ends up suffering, building brick walls of unparalleled heights to keep him/herself safe from the gruelling ghosts outside. Never allowing anyone a chance to show their true colors, because an imaginary wolf is only out there to decieve and trick people. Never letting go of the ordained first impression, vehemently refusing to get to know others on a more intimate basis, believing only suffering to be in store should they give others a chance.
These people vividly ingrain all the bad ideas they can conjure to others, reducing them to the lowliest of beings in a matter of minutes. Seeing the world as a place filled with demons who have spawned from hell. Maybe they should take a look at themselves, and begin to question whether such viewpoints are fair, just and congruent, or just plain, basic and boring musings of a terrified mice afraid of its own shadows. 

     Misunderstandings of undeliberate hurt

Sometimes we dont know how others are going to react to what we say, do or confer.
It can be easy to jump into conclusion and believe that others might mean deliberate harm upon us when we react with hurt to something that have been said or done, maybe even neglected. 
When having the mindset that anything that causes us hurt, no matter how trivial or inconsequential. As if it was a planned strike from the person we feel wronged by, we allow little room around ourself, and it can force others to feel as if they have to be incredibly careful around us. 
We cannot calculate the reactions and inner dealings of those around us at all times, and be hyper vigilant never to cause any upsets, because it diminishes the natural flow of expression. 
If newry everything someone close to you says or does causes an inner version, a negative reaction, the solution doesnt lie in expecting him/her to constantly be alert. 
To use constant foresight and consider every possible outcome of words or actions is a tiring expectation to place upon someone. 
Maybe the solution lies in recognizing that there is innocence and that others do not mean harm.
Sometimes just being ourself does cause strife and conflict, but that does not mean there is ill intent behind every frivolous and un-filtered move. 
It is difficult to have a clear look of how the future might unfold, and how our actions influence and affect others. When stuck in lanes of projection that others willfully cause deliberate hurt behind every vague and indistinct action, it is easy to become scornful and lash out words of retalliation by the percieved slight.
Easy to be filled with anger and resentment when we allow ourself succumb to rash conclusions about the motives of others. Sometimes we simply have no idea of the ramifications and minor upsets we have caused, but when we do have ill intent, we remember it as shameful.
The road to forgiveness is also paved with letting go of assumptions and overlaying our own image of the situation and seeing it as faultless truth with no opportunity for others to object. 
Sometimes words such as I didnt mean to hurt you, or I didnt know it would affect you this much, are actually true. Despite the fixed opinion that there must have been malignant intent behind the spur of the actions. 
If we knew how our being would affect all things at all times, whether it be met with applauding recognition or cheeks turning, no one would dare to do anything or day anything.
Living in fear of how it was percieved and processed.
Sooner or later the skeletal remains of unlived possibilities will be found, due to the propensity to always remain within the book. The sight of an abandonned castle, where the action had already taken place milleniums ago, the time spent devising how to appropriately dress and look, instead of actually being there. 
Learn to let go of your own supposed knowing of the inner workings of others and what goes on inside their mind, and simply be honest and ask direct question instead.
Be the inquirer of open communication if left in doubt, but do not jump to conclusions so readily. Sometimes we actually do not know. And misunderstandings do occur in the vein of open and secret hurts, but when we know that it may not always be intentional, we also are quicker to move on.

søndag 4. oktober 2015

        Futile recollections of a faded past

Learning to let go of the memories, the people, the scenes we once were so accustomed to of our past,
Is not only necessary, it is inevitable. When images of the past, are always at front display in the window of our mind, it obscures the current situations from being felt and seen clearly.
Moments of the past coloring the inner landscape, our assumptions, our cravings, our expectations and outlook.
When unable to forget, to leave behind that which once was, it can subtly influence how we percieve most things around us. Seeing things with the same filter of shades and thus not allowing new impulses accordingly. When what we once were used to, is what we come to expect because we cling to the ideas of how things once were, we are not allowing room for new truth to be unveiled and felt.
The new places we go, different people we meet, always being compared and overshadowed by the memories that no longer serve any purpose.
Jaded and ignorant of new ventures and people as they truly are, because our mind is so focused on delving in the past of what was, we cannot operate with crystal clarity in the present. When the mind is stuck in another timezone, refusing to function in the present. We might be sleeping while those around us awake, and vice versa.
If the mind and thoughts are never truly present to the now, it can feel like there is a smokescreen gushing out mist of confusion. If we are unable to see the present as it is, without ignorant discrimination of how we believe it to be based on selective grooming from bygone days, we remain stuck in past indignations.
Images, sensations and emotions of the past overlaying the sights before you, causes our vision to be blurred and unclear. When several images are stacked on top of each other, all with a faint and transparent hue, what we are truly experiencing becomes muddled and like a seizure inducing sore to the eyes.
When unable to allow past hurts to fade, past slights, past misunderstandings and past bitterness,
We carry it with us unwittingly to most places we go.
It does not always matter whether the memories were of joy or of sadness, if we are never able to walk life with a clean pair of socks, the stains will eventually start to bother you and cause plenty of funky smells every step you take.
If you never relieve your backpack of its items and weight, carrying all the trinkets and item you have found along the road with you, the load will surely weigh you down.
The same can be said of memories and attachments to the past, never clearing any mental space causes the backpack to be filled to the brim, eventually bursting, if proper proper maintenance doesnt take place.
When we believe ourselves to have seen enough, felt enough, known enough, touched enough, experienced enough, we become oblivious to the fact that no hill of grass is the same, no two snowflakes ever being identical, no flowers growing with the same patterns.
It only feels familiar and known, because we infuse past impressions unto that which is in fact entirely different.

lørdag 3. oktober 2015

   Creativity applied to life

Being creative with life may seem like a daunting task. To see exciting oppourtunity in the world around you, uncharted possibilities of life in th most unlikely of circumstance.
To craft creativity in your surroundings, and to encourage others to take part in the unlikely scenarios you have submitted. Building something new in the sand of imagination, with only your own hands and water as tools, and to execute the fresh idea in spunky ways.
Recognizing that most events can be rejuvenated, uplifted and soar when applying some thoughtful effort and being open to random impulses.
Like drawings on a paper, your inner mind seeing creative ways to instill something new and novel experiences where you might find yourself.
There is always an untold number of ways life before you might pan out, depending on how you chose to interact and communicate with what stands in front of you.
Will you go through life, only applying a very distinct tone of yellow to every hour of the day, or do you have the bold drive to actually open a coloring box with thousands of colors you are now presented to use freely.
When blocking the mind from seeing different options of traversing the world, only glorifying that which we are used to, without allow a tinge of novelty to enter into the picture.
Life can quickly become monotonous and lacking in vibrancy and spark.
When we dare to at times see life as a blank paper, inviting and pleading us to make an image we find interesting and unique, we can also use the same metaphor in day to day life.
Rarely are things set in stone, no definitive answer to what the carnival will show us next.
Being creative with life also means putting yourself in situations and places where the possible outfome and course of action is totally obscured and unknown to you.
As when part of a dance, thinking of new ways to move your body, different steps to make yourself twist in mezmerizing ways, unexpected trinities of patterns your body instinctually makes when uninhibited by inner judgement and fear.
When seeing the world around is like a composer, paving the way with new notes strung together in fresh vibrancy. Experimenting with different sounds, tunes and melodies, not being fearful of the different feelings and sensations we have orchestrated. Simply being okay with the song we yet cannot comprehend.
Or a writer, finding ways to make the plot more intriguing, presenting sudden twists and turns, revelations and sentiments. The writer actively thinking of ways to infuse the book with appeal and a special touch.
It is possibly to apply such concepts to simply living. The waking life, where the past had already been made, the future always in an effervescent state waiting to be creatively manifested.
When stuck in morbid ruts of complacency and indifference, bring out the creative aspects latent within. If the mind can concieve of something, it can also most likely be done.
If you are content, then that is allright, but when knowing that things have become too much of a routine and it feels limiting to the expansion of the soul and experience, bring out the creative creator.

   The perils of fate

Being aware of the fact that your words, actions can change your life in matter of hours.
Who we spend time with, what path we walk. Misconstrued words, nagging thoughts in a fleeting moment, irrational deeds commited in a rushed haste.
We are the constructers of our fate, and sometimes we wish our self undoing could have been avoided. To be aware of the fact that, a mistake committed, is enough to drastically turn your reality upside down. Enough to never see a person again, to never move in the same ballots.
We rarely know how our deeds will affect someone, if they are someone quickly to forget and move on, or if they are naturally people who latch on to hurts and slights.
When there is manic confusion within oneself, conflicted affections, contradictory views about a situation, a constant weighing of snippets back and forth. Unable to reach a conclusive answer.
The best thing can be in-action. To not be such an imposing force on the fate and path you carve in front of you. To not allow the willfull voice within, begging for a matter to he swiftly resolved, have its way. To allow your own surroundings instead, to offer solutions and answers. To sit back, patiently wait, and go on about your own business, without diving in head first and tackle the dilemma you are faced with.
There is something to be said about always feeling the need to exert ones power of influence in life, to consciously steer the outcome of the future in a very specific direction.
Instead of allowing others to be a part of the creation, the unfolding and options of fates.
To be trusting enough of the fact that you dont always have to do something about the matters at hand, there is equal shares and options to be divided, and the solutions and words of others are at times way better than the ones initially proposed by yourself.
Recognize the fact that silence is at times golden, that passivity is okay, even though others have come to expect you to be a harbinger of constant influx.
See the wisdom in time, the benefits of not engaging needlessly.
When knowing that the slightest words can cause the greatest shifts, resign your own need to dominate the future, and let the universe slowly show the path, guided by others.
Fate can go in many directions, so be careful when settling upon a fixed path. It may not be as pleasant as you think. Wait for someone to grab your hand, and then walk with them instead, on the path they have chosen as rightful.