fredag 28. august 2015

Emotions are beautiful. What you and others feel on the inside, are worth acknowlodging, sharing and experiencing together.
Emotions are not something to be hidden, shunned upon, seen as weakness or deficit. Those who are strong allow emotions to flow through them, allows the inner currents to flow gracefully. Being recpetive to the emotions of others, their needs, their deep longings and wishes.
Not judging what they feel, not saying how they feel is right or wrong.
Being there for others, being kind with the emotions of others, handling them with great care and affection.
Not something frivilous to be stomped upon, spat on, disowned. It is part of our core, something we must be proud of, elevate, nurture and give whilst also recieving.
When others are sharing, you have responsibilties, responsibility to be there for them, the heart is sensitive and vital, it will always keep on beating.
The heart where emotions pour out from, whether they be joyous, happy, filled with laughter, amusement and content, celbratory emotions. Honest emotions, honest living.
Take intomyour being what life has to give, what others have to give, dont block the sensations from coming.
With great emotional bonding, also comes the trust that they will be taken care of, cradled and kissed.

Also being mature with your emotions, accepting that life and circumstance cannot be exactly as you want it to, coming into acceptance that others are fine just the way they are, that life is beautiful just the way it is. And to cultivate happines, not resentment, jealousy, anger, spite and bitterness.
To never try to manipulate the hearts of others, to change their core, to exert dominance and cold power to bend others to your way.
Never to use emotional insight and knowledge for selfish gains, for superficial reasons and egotistical desires.
Grow the flowers that give a good scent, smell and indulge in those flowers. And trust that you dont have to dominate and control the course of actions around you, based on fear of loss or that the world around you will change for the worse, that something bad might happen. Your loved ones are fine, you are fine, dont let your fearful emotions make you lose your faith in yourself or others. The love you feel for others, they also feel for you. You would not doubt the love in your heart, so the time has fome to stop doubting the love in the hearts of others they care deeply for you too. It goes both ways.

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