onsdag 2. september 2015

  Seeing the individuals you love 

Try your best to see other people,
Not to blur out their facial features, hollow sockets with eyes missing, lips that bear no distinction, nose with no character, hair with no shape, smile with no light, hands with no fingers. Do not see anonimity with others, see that all have something inhetently theirs, belonging only to them, millions of exlusive aspects that make them who they are.
See the eyes, try to see the story they hide, the light they enemate, the individuality they exude.
See the entire body, all of its components, and know that it has always been and will always be one of a kind, no two exact replicas of the same person will ever exists.
Listen to the words they speak, do not glance past what their hearts decide to share.
Some people we will not get close to, most will pass us by, slumbering in the depths of forgetfullnes until we might see them again. Just casually pass us by in the blink of an eye, without noticing anything remarkable about them. Getting to know them, see them, experience moments with them.
Even though you might see a stranger and nothing more, they still carry depths of experience and life lived, although different from yours.
Most will never get to show you the unique flame of life burning within, only a faint glimmer as you rush by. As it is supposed to be, you cannot get to know all the flames on a personal level.

The problem specifically rears its head, when you refuse to see those close to you, when you cant remember the colour of their eyes, cant describe the shape of their lips, cant remember the words they have spoken, unable to recognize and appreciate their actions and efforts.
Amost as if the people you surround yourself with, are hollow beings with no distinction, because you never took the effort to see them, and therefore, hollow beings with no soul is all you can remember them as. As therefore, in your own mind, nothing to love, be enamored with, nothing that sparks your interest, nothing that stands out, empty vessels much like machines just like everything else you see.
When the eyes are only turned inwards, and ones own wishes, desires, happines, contentment is the only thing considered, and others are empty machines to cultivate those needs.
You no doubt live an empty life, a lonely life, where the only person you see and think about, is yourself. Living as if the umiverse only had one soul wandering the earth, and others simply being a vague extension of yourself you can never really hold and get close with. That the moments shared, feels as if being a monologue with puppets as an audience.
You will never experience the beauty and grance of another person, if you only see a dew details.
Like listening to a song with muffled sound and never getting a grasp of the lyrics, Like only seeing the left bottom corner of a painting, Like only seeing the first 2 minutes of a movie.
Do not only see your own emotions and thoughts in others, see theirs.
Allow your own truth, core being be known, and allow the core of others to be known.
Allow whatever emotions and impressions that arise within you upon contact with another to flourish, to grow, to blossom, and share. Still, also recognize the person for who they are, and see the impact and effect you have on them, and vice versa.
Of course, who we chose to see fully, who we can see fully, and who allows us to see them fully, is not unlimited. Remember to also allow them to see you. The dance is in full motion.

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