onsdag 16. september 2015

     Real trumps Fake

You should not feel the need to feign your own interests, likes, opinions and perspective for others.
If you dont like a specific person, you can accept that fact without engaging in an inner battle.
If you dont have an interest in certain topics, its okay to lack interest without telling oneself one should enjoy the content.
If  something doesnt capture the mind and the body, just let the mind and body be at peace with that.
Be at peace with natural instincts, thoughts, emotions and behaviors.
When the outer persona, never matches and acts in harmony with what goes on inside,
It can cause great stress and turmoil to the self.
When we feel the need to project ourself in ways that contradict who we truly are,
Wen we feel the need to speak words and engage in actions that we deep inside know are false to who we really are, and fails to elevate us.
When we try to enforce strict rules and regulations of how our emotions should be like,
How we should act in certain situations based on percieved expectations, that do not match how we naturally are.
Do not be caught in a life where you feel like you have to pretend around every corner.
When our natural, genuine, authetnic being is so lost, so hard to grab a hold of, that everything we do is nothing more than a projection of how we think we should be.
When fake words become the norm, when disingenous smiles is all we can muster, when half-assed actions is all we dare to do.
When what we truly like, who we truly are, how we truly feel, is always kept inside, afraid to be allowed natural and genuine expression,
We lose track of everything that is real.
Its okay to excuse yourself from situations you do not like,
Okay to cordially disengage with those you do not feel happy around,
Its okay to respectfully say ones true words and meanings,
And most importantly, it is okay to recognize what makes you happy, and what doesnt.
Okay to recognize and honor what you do like, and to be fortright with what you dont.
To take those things seriously, to listen to the soul and what our needs and wants are,
To honor those we love, and that which we love.

Of course, everything is situational, no two moments ever being the same, and we might like on thing  in one person we cant stand in another. Just go with the flow without overthinking your own nature running its course. Everything has consequences of course, and your actions and words will have some form of impact. So the situational principle and reacting in various ways accordingly, is okay. Do what feels natural and authentic as the moment and situations present themselves. If it reflects the true reaction and sensations in that moment.
Just be aware of the fact when your inner authenticity and natural self seems to be slipping away in a maze of could, should and would. Do not believe that fakeness should be the principle, when realness should be your guide. Just remember to respect the freedom and liberty of others, and that of yourself.
When your likes involves robbing others of their genuine self, putting others in chains of restriction and robbing their life of its adventures and gifts. Then some regulations are in order, for your own good and others. If your life is a never ending crusade to kill the joy and the spirit of liveliness in others, Heavy modificaton must take place.
Be yourself, and let others be as well.

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